


July 4, 2023

July 4, 2023

July 4, 2023

Ability to collaborate on knowledge bases

Ability to collaborate on knowledge bases

Ability to collaborate on knowledge bases

Invoices 2023

This is a shared knowledge base for our company finances


Lucas Lima


Noah Smith


Invoices 2023

This is a shared knowledge base for our company finances


Lucas Lima


Noah Smith


Invoices 2023

This is a shared knowledge base for our company finances


Lucas Lima


Noah Smith


I will do all the research alone, said nobody.

With Dobbie AI, you can now share a knowledge base with your colleague, your co-worker or your mentor so that you can collaborate on the research together. Once a knowledge base is created with a collection of files, you can simply share a link or enter an email to share the knowledge base.

The best part about this is — you do not have to share the files that are used to construct the knowledge base. The possibilities when you enable sharing are endless. By simply reducing the time to do research, how Google Docs reduced the time to share documents by providing real time document collaboration.

Jun 28, 2023

Jun 28, 2023

Jun 28, 2023

Adding references to answers Dobbie AI

Adding references to answers Dobbie AI

Adding references to answers Dobbie AI

what is end to end encryption?

End-to-end encryption is a security measure used to protect data privacy by ensuring that only the intended recipients can access the information being shared.

It is a method of encrypting data at the source and decrypting it only at the destination, making it inaccessible to any intermediaries or unauthorized entities during transmission.

Page #11

Page #13

Dobbie took 8.2 seconds


what is end to end encryption?

End-to-end encryption is a security measure used to protect data privacy by ensuring that only the intended recipients can access the information being shared. It is a method of encrypting data at the source and decrypting it only at the destination, making it inaccessible to any intermediaries or unauthorized entities during transmission.

In an end-to-end encrypted communication, the data is encrypted on the sender's device using a unique encryption key. The encrypted data is then transmitted through a network or communication channel and can only be decrypted by the intended recipient using a corresponding decryption key.

Page #11

Page #13

Dobbie took 8.2 seconds


what is end to end encryption?

End-to-end encryption is a security measure used to protect data privacy by ensuring that only the intended recipients can access the information being shared. It is a method of encrypting data at the source and decrypting it only at the destination, making it inaccessible to any intermediaries or unauthorized entities during transmission.

In an end-to-end encrypted communication, the data is encrypted on the sender's device using a unique encryption key. The encrypted data is then transmitted through a network or communication channel and can only be decrypted by the intended recipient using a corresponding decryption key.

Page #11

Page #13

Dobbie took 8.2 seconds


Auto generated answers about documents in a knowledge base are great. However, what is significantly more important is the ability to reference back to the page where the AI learned the information from. Thus, today we are introducing answer references at the end of each answer from Dobbie AI.

Each answer is now accompanied with up to three references. Clicking on each reference opens the file where the reference is taken from, so you can validate that Dobbie AI is not hallucinating.

Jun 8, 2023

Jun 8, 2023

Jun 8, 2023

Ability to handle payments, integration with stripe

Ability to handle payments, integration with stripe

Ability to handle payments, integration with stripe

Every SaaS got to sustain itself, thus today we're adding support for payments using the most popular payment gateway, Stripe.

A bit about Stripe — Stripe was started by two Irish brothers who attended Y Combinator in 2010. Today Stripe is valued north of $50B and is one of the largest private companies.

Stripe ensures the credit card and payment information that you enter while paying Dobbie AI, is always secure and handled with care.

May 28, 2023

May 28, 2023

May 28, 2023

Related questions to keep the conversation going

Related questions to keep the conversation going

Related questions to keep the conversation going

what is end to end encryption?

End-to-end encryption is a security measure used to protect data privacy by ensuring that only the intended recipients can access the information being shared.

Related questions:

What is Virtual Private Network?

What are key elements of end-to-end encryption?

Start typing to begin a conversation...

Related questions:

What is Virtual Private Network?

What are key elements of end-to-end encryption?

what is end to end encryption?

End-to-end encryption is a security measure used to protect data privacy by ensuring that only the intended recipients can access the information being shared.

Start typing to begin a conversation...

Related questions:

What is Virtual Private Network?

What are key elements of end-to-end encryption?

what is end to end encryption?

End-to-end encryption is a security measure used to protect data privacy by ensuring that only the intended recipients can access the information being shared.

Start typing to begin a conversation...

Today we are introducing related questions based on the content of the documents and the context of the ongoing conversation. By providing related questions, we hope that it gives you ideas on the different variety of questions that you could ask the knowledge base or Dobbie AI.

These related questions are refreshed after each question that you ask, so that you can keep the conversation going.

May 14, 2023

May 14, 2023

May 14, 2023

Create knownledge bases with a collection of documents and pages

Create knownledge bases with a collection of documents and pages

Create knownledge bases with a collection of documents and pages

what is end to end encryption?

End-to-end encryption is a security measure used to protect data privacy by ensuring that only the intended recipients can access the information being shared.

Start typing to begin a conversation...








what is end to end encryption?

End-to-end encryption is a security measure used to protect data privacy by ensuring that only the intended recipients can access the information being shared.

Start typing to begin a conversation...








what is end to end encryption?

End-to-end encryption is a security measure used to protect data privacy by ensuring that only the intended recipients can access the information being shared.

Start typing to begin a conversation...








Today we are extremely proud to announce that you can support knowledge bases with not just one document but with MULTIPLE documents! We believe this unlocks a huge use case where when we are researching a topic, and reference multiple documents at the same time.

By referencing multiple documents, you can compare the documents, summarize them or create a more cohesive answer by adding information about different data sources.

As a general research workflow, we personally think this is going to unlock a lot of potential for academic and professional researchers.

Today we are extremely proud to announce that you can support knowledge bases with not just one document but with MULTIPLE documents! We believe this unlocks a huge use case where when we are researching a topic, and reference multiple documents at the same time.

By referencing multiple documents, you can compare the documents, summarize them or create a more cohesive answer by adding information about different data sources.

As a general research workflow, we personally think this is going to unlock a lot of potential for academic and professional researchers.

Today we are extremely proud to announce that you can support knowledge bases with not just one document but with MULTIPLE documents! We believe this unlocks a huge use case where when we are researching a topic, and reference multiple documents at the same time.

By referencing multiple documents, you can compare the documents, summarize them or create a more cohesive answer by adding information about different data sources.

As a general research workflow, we personally think this is going to unlock a lot of potential for academic and professional researchers.